Thursday, April 23, 2009

Make Recycling Mandatory

In his blog post, Push for Recycling, T explains the benefits of recycling and proposes new ideas to increase the amount of recycling that takes place in Austin. After discussing the places where recycling is already required, T gives examples of where recycling should be mandatory. The posts’ overall main point is a proposal for a bill that would require all residents in Austin to recycle. Then, after making recycling mandatory, an incentive will be created by punishing those who don’t follow the new law by ticketing them. 

Over all, the post is well written and brings up many intelligent ideas and proposals. The post examines a topic that is very popular in our society today, making it a very attractive read. T’s evidential support comes from the Residential Recycling Guidelines list from the Solid Waste Services provided by the City of Austin.

I agree completely with the proposal. There is one idea that I recommend adding to the post. Why not require all of Texas to recycle instead of just Austin alone? Wouldn’t that create an even larger benefit? Imagine if Houston, Dallas and Austin were all required to recycle by law. What a difference that would make! I think ticketing people for not recycling is also a brilliant idea. Understanding the consequence for not recycling would be a ninety dollar fine, I would certainly recycle! If we don’t do anything thing to protect our earth and make it more “green,” who will? This is a great proposal and a wonderful post overall. 

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