Thursday, April 2, 2009

Allowing Guns on College Campuses. Risky or Somewhat Necessary?

In the blog post, “Keep Guns Out of Texas Schools,” Katherine Haenschen lists various Texas universities who have stated their opposition towards a bill “that would make it legal to carry concealed weapons inside Texas college classrooms.” Haenschen also generously displays many ways Texans can prevent the bill from being passed, “in the House.”

Within the post, Haenschen focuses on the negative aspect of allowing guns on college campuses. Haenschen also states, “the lives of our Texas students depend on it.” My disagreement to this statement is, the lives of Texas students may in fact depend on the passing of the bill. For example, in past years, shootings on college campuses have resulted in the death of innocent individuals. Although lost lives are not to be unnoticed by any means, perhaps some lives may have been saved if it had been legal for students to carry guns on campus. For example, perhaps a student with a gun on the days of the tragic shootings could have used it as self-defense for themselves and their peers.

It is law, that to carry a concealed gun, you must be twenty-one, and have a license to carry the gun. It is up to each individual to make their own decision as to whether or not they will carry a gun in many public places. Why should a college campus be any different? If an individual follows the law regarding handguns and chooses to carry one, why should we be concerned that they are brought to a college campus? If an individual seriously intends to hurt someone and has a mission to bring a gun on campus (even though it isn’t yet allowed), they’re more than likely going to bring the weapon on campus whether the law passes. I realize passage of the bill for reasons I have noted above is unlikely, but my reasons are worth mentioning, in my opinion.

This is a difficult and controversial topic. While I wish for protection for innocent lives and understand the increased risk with allowing guns on campus, I am currently on the fence regarding the passing of the bill. I believe it is crucial that reasons from both sides should be evaluated and discussed before a final decision is made.       

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