Friday, May 15, 2009

Teen Mothers and House Bill 592

In her post, “Teen Mothers Need Help,” Dinora discusses why she believes Senate Bill 592 should be passed. First, Dinora discusses what the bill encompasses. She explains that the bill would allow women, “ages 16 and older who are already mothers,” the ability to use contraceptives, “without the consent of their parents in efforts to deter repeated pregnancy.” Second, Dinora explains why some representatives oppose the passing of the bill because they believe, “that this would only encourage bad behavior.” Although this is a good point brought up by the representatives, Dinora rebukes the bill is only “aimed towards” women and teens that already have children. Thus, these women and teens “have already engaged in sexual activity and have already had kids.” Dinora’s point is, with or with out contraceptives, the teen girls are more than likely going to continue participating in sexual activity, and the bill will allow them protection without having to go through their parents to get it.

I agree with Dinora that teens who are already mothers are going to continue to participate in sexual activity. Although I believe that if contraceptives are not available to teens without their parents’ consent, they may be more apprehensive to participate in such activities. Also, if the girls are trying to “take some responsibility to protect themselves from another unwanted pregnancy,” they need to stop engaging in sexual activity because they are already living the consequences of their previous surprise.  

Overall, Dinora’s post is informative and well written although she does not offer any evidentiary support. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and I respect Dinora’s opinion about Senate Bill 592’s passing wholeheartedly.   

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